Thursday, April 14, 2011

Nosy People

Hell YEAH! Nosy people are so friggin annoying at times. Even though they can sometimes be considered as caring or whatsoever, they are annoying still. =.="

I mean, come on! Why do you have to be such a busy body to stalk and/or know other people's life? Nak buat ape nak kisah pasal hidup org lain? Especially the ones yg terlampau penyibuk, yg suke jaga tepi kain org. Cam tade mende lain dah nk buat dlm hidup ni agaknye. Mmg menyakitkan hati.

And one more thing, I also hate stalkers! Yeahhh! Stalkers! They're annoying as nosy people. In fact, stalkers are far too annoying than nosy people! I mean, not all stalkers out there are annoying, but most of them. The ones on the internet, particularly :) Some people always try to stalk their friends' or anyone's account or something and stalk their pics and even passwords! This is totally NOT GOOD. Invading someone's privacy is beyond insane. Respect lah org lain punye privacy. It's totally uncool, you know. Cuba kalau org buat perkara yg same kat korang, how would you feel? Bad kan? Duhh, that's why you need to grow up and get a freaking life! I'm not trying to be mean here, what I was just trying to point out is for your own good. Everyone makes mistakes right? Nobody is perfect. So, kite mestilah saling mengingati. Chewahh, mcm motivator lah pulak aku ni. Haha. Anyway, renung2kanlah ape yg aku tulis ni wahai semua. Peace! :)

*I'm currently not in a good mood :'/

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